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Gaming Industry - Emerging Trends

The global gaming market is valued at more than USD 150 billion and expected to double in next 5-10 years. The gaming industry is changing very fast with new trends in mobile, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and upcoming Mixed Reality and Neuro Reality. New gaming trends are continually evolving and game developers need to embrace and adopt to survive and stay in the race.

With 5G technology and evolution of cloud computing, the games can be streamed remotely from the cloud servers at high internet speeds straight to home PCs giving gamers real time interactive gaming experience. Hologram technology is also on the horizon and in future, there could be hologram based games that are not limited to the PC or TV screens.

In old days the games were mostly played on the PCs and later the loyalties shifted to the gaming consoles which offered an enhanced gaming experience. The advent of smartphones and the mobility that it offers has provided another platform to the gaming community. The fastest growing regions of the gaming community are the Latin and Asia Pacific (APAC) regions.

The gaming industry is always ahead in innovation. New trends, technologies and virtual/augmented reality experiences will continue to evolve providing new immersive experiences. The use of smartphones, 5G internet speeds, cloud computing, and streaming game services would all add more value to the overall experience. The console games by big companies would keep getting better with each newer versions hitting the market. The evolution of hologram / virtual technologies popularized by gaming industry could also find useful applications in other spaces like tourism and learning.

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